Piotr Lakomy: 1211210

Texts by Jakub Bąk, Martha Kirszenbaum, and Chris Sharp
Piotr Lakomy: 1211210: Texts by Jakub Bąk, Martha Kirszenbaum, and Chris Sharp
Publisher: Mousse Publishing
Dimensions: 33.5 x 24 cm
Pages: 240 pages
ISBN-13: 978-88-6749-316-6
£ 25.00

“Piotr Łakomy’s works enable the viewer, first of all a body wandering within the exhibition space, to measure its own physicality to the artwork. The reflective fabric or aluminum sheets he uses provoke, in fact, a sudden intimacy that springs from our relationship to the installation and feels appeasing and threatening at the same time. We recognize ourselves in this format; it inevitably attracts us, yet it frightens us just like our own shadow caught in the night.”––Martha Kirszenbaum 


1211210 is the first publication devoted entirely to Piotr Łakomy’s oeuvre. In collaboration with the graphic designer Krzysztof Pyda, the artist has created a kind of a self-portrait book, the central part of which is reproductions of his works from 2012–2017, arranged according to a rigid rule. The photographs are reproduced on two scales—general views on a scale of 1:10, and details of works at 1:1. By that means, the essential aspect of Łakomy’s sculptural work—the relation of body size to the size of the object—has found its equivalent in the form of this printed album. This publication is produced and co-published by Griffin Art Space, Warsaw.