Nicholas Pope, Strange Shape, 2020
Nicholas Pope, Yellow and Green Should Never be Seen, 2020
Nicholas Pope, John the B’s Helmet Light Show, 1992
Nicholas Pope, John the B’s Helmet Light Show, 1987-92
Nicholas Pope, ALL LOST IN SPACE, 2020
Nicholas Pope, Pom Pom Helmet, 1990
Nicholas Pope, Model for the Chapel Coming Into Land, 1995
Nicholas Pope, I Believe or Do I Take off,, 1987-92
Nicholas Pope, Take Off, 1987-92
Nicholas Pope, Believers, 1998
Nicholas Pope, Unreadable Commandment ‘neither shalt thou commit adultery’, 2020
Nicholas Pope, Weird in a Sylvan Setting, 2020
Nicholas Pope, Artist's Take Off Chair, 1989
Nicholas Pope, Roof for Oratory of Heavenly Space, 1992
Nicholas Pope, Suicide, 1990
Nicholas Pope, Oratory of Heavenly Space Interior Looking Down the Lady Chapels, Oratory of Heavenly Space Interior Looking Down the Lady Chapels, 1987-92
Nicholas Pope, I Believe Moment, 1987-92
Nicholas Pope, Chapel in a Wood, 1987-92
Nicholas Pope, Baby Weird , 2020