Tyra Tingleff

Born 1984, Olso, Norway
Lives and works in Oslo, Norway and Berlin, Germany


2013 MA Painting, Royal College of Art, London, UK

2008 BA, The National Academy of the Arts Bergen, Norway & The Royal Academy of Art, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Selected solo exhibitions

Your Silence Awakens the Madness in Me, Bianca D’Alessandro, Copenhagen, Denmark 2024

There are so many places I haven’t been in my closest surroundings, Kewenig Galerie, Palma de Mallorca, Spain 2023

Imagine it Wet…ChertLüdde, Berlin, Germany 2022

No feeling is final, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway 2022

Smile now, cry later, The Sunday Painter, London, UK 2021

Frieze London with The Sunday Painter, London, UK 2020

Will always be the opposite, The Sunday Painter, London, UK 2018

Frame at Frieze, New York City, USA 2018
If you could only come back, even just for one night, ChertLüdde Gallery, Berlin, Germany 2016

Grinding your teeth to keep out the wind, The Sunday Painter, London, UK 2016
I gave the postman your name, Chert Gallery, Berlin, Germany 2015
Closer Scrub, SALTS, Basel, Switzerland 2015
Studiolo 12 # Tyra Tingleff, Spazio Cabinet, Milan, Italy 2014
Rød er Blå, Tidens Krav, Oslo, Norway 2013
When you put colour on top of colour you get black!, Peinture et Sculpture, Copenhagen, Denmark 2013
What is and what could have been, BKS Garage, Copenhagen, Denmark 2013


Selected group exhibitions

Frieze London with ChertLüdde, London, UK 2024

Frieze London with The Sunday Painter, London, UK 2023

Arco with ChertLüdde, Madrid, Spain 2023
Frieze London with ChertLüdde, London, UK 2022
Miart with ChertLüdde, Milan, Italy 2022
Tree and Leaf, Hannah Barry, London, UK 2021
K60, Berlin Art Week, ChertLüdde, Berlin, Germany 2021

Ett kollektiv Kaoskosmos, Kunsthall, Oslo, Norway 2020
Monocromes, Mario Ianelli, Rome, Italy 2019
Høstutstillingen, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway 2019
The Summer Show, The Sunday Painter, London, UK 2019
To make the Stone Stony, Galleri Golsa, Oslo, Norway 2019
Olje og Begjær, Blomqvist og QB, Oslo, Norway 2019
Juni-utstillingen Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway 2018
FFM last show, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Germany 2018
Fickle Food upon a shifting plate, Studio Leigh, London, UK 2017
31 Women Breese, Little Gallery, London, UK 2017
Monet is my church, Dittrich&Schlechtriem Gallery, Berlin, Germany 2017
The Hidden Dimension, Mariganana Arte, Venice, Italy 2017
From Scratchm Pictura, Dordrecht, Netherlands 2016
Chapels, Jacob Bjørn Gallery, Aarhus, Denmark 2016
In space no one can hear you laugh, Galleria Giovanni Bonelli, Milan, Italy 2016

Leaping over a bush to surprise a Quail, ChertLüdde, Berlin, Germany 2016

Anderland, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Arnsberg, Germany 2015
Kann uns erwärmen, was nicht brennen kann?, Mindscape Universe, Berlin, Germany 2015

Lost Doubloons Rest, RH-Contemporary, New York City, USA 2015

Associations New, SALTS, Basel, Switzerland 2014
The Beautiful Changes, RH Contemporary Art, New York, USA 2014
Wet Paint, Dittrich & Schlechtriem Gallery, Berlin, Germany 2014
The Fulfilment Centre, The Sunday Painter, London, UK 2014
Il Monaco, Ringsted Galleriet, Ringsted, Denmark 2013
Painting, Winter Projects, London, UK 2013
Å komme hjem, Hønefoss, Norway, 2013
Bloomberg New Contemporaries, London; Liverpool UK, 2012

Mytteri, Galleri Claus Christensen, Copenhagen, Denmark 2011

The Problem Perspective, Alice Gryphius Gallery, Berlin, Germany 2011
Erasing Darkness, Freies- Museum, Berlin, Germany 2010
The Mud-show, Hadeslevgade 36, Copenhagen, Denmark 2010
Kødboderne 18, Copenhagen, Denmark 2009
Thisted Biennalen 09, Thisted, Denmark 2009
Transport, Skattfell Art Center, Seydisfjordur, Iceland 2008